To help spread the word about preparedness, APHA's Get Ready campaign is holding a video The video contest was open to U.S. students in sixth through 12th grade as of fall 2011. Submissions are now being accepted. The submisssion deadline is now closed. Your video should help raise awareness about emergency preparedness, such as getting ready for natural disasters, creating an emergency kit, having an emergency plan, knowing about risks in your community and other topics covered by APHA's Get Ready campaign. Videos should be up to one minute in length. For more ideas on emergency preparedness topics, visit the Get Ready fact sheet page. For an example of a video that promotes preparedness, watch this video created by college students for the Get Ready campaign. Rules and submission information Judging criteria Three prizes will be awarded: First place: $500; second place: $250; third place: $100. Contest winners will be announced on this website. For more information, send us an email or call 202-777-2491.contest for students.
• Official rules and regulations
• How to submit your video
Judging criteria for video entries will consist of originality and creativity, overall appeal, quality, and success in conveying the Get Ready Video Contest theme. The theme of this contest is promoting emergency and disaster preparedness.
Deadline: November 14, 2011